
NameBright - Coming Soon

Other CMS / CMS

Usage Statistics

Market Share

The market share for Amiro.CMS decreased by 0.001 percentage points (from 0.002% to 0.001%) for all sites, more than any other segment during the same period of time.

Top 1K sitesTop 10K sitesTop 100K sitesTop 1M sitesAll Sites
Market Sharen/an/a
% Changen/an/an/a

Top Level Domains

Websites using Amiro.CMS were found on 12 top level domains

  • Russia (.ru) (69.81%)
  • Belarus (.by) (7.547%)
  • Commercial (.com) (5.66%)
  • Russia (Cyrillic) (.рф) (4.717%)
  • Ukraine (.ua) (3.774%)
  • Soviet Union (.su) (1.887%)
  • Kazakhstan (.kz) (1.887%)
  • Network (.net) (0.943%)
  • Organization (.org) (0.943%)
  • Columbia (.co) (0.943%)
  • Argentina (.ar) (0.943%)
  • European Union (.eu) (0.943%)

Related Technologies

Complementary Technologies

Nginx Web Server 88 Amiro.CMS vs. Nginx
Apache HTTP Server Web Server 12 Amiro.CMS vs. Apache HTTP Server
OpenResty Web Server 9 Amiro.CMS vs. OpenResty
Google Hosted Libraries CDN 9 Amiro.CMS vs. Google Hosted Libraries
Microsoft Word Static Site Generator / Editor / CMS 5 Amiro.CMS vs. Microsoft Word
Cloudflare CDN 5 Amiro.CMS vs. Cloudflare
Ubuntu Operating System 4 Amiro.CMS vs. Ubuntu
Bitrix E-commerce / CMS 3 Amiro.CMS vs. Bitrix
LiteSpeed Web Server 3 Amiro.CMS vs. LiteSpeed
cdnjs CDN 2 Amiro.CMS vs. cdnjs
jQuery CDN CDN 2 Amiro.CMS vs. jQuery CDN

Popular Sites Using Amiro.CMS

We detected the following sites were using Amiro.CMS

How We Detect Installations of Amiro.CMS


A CMS will sometimes include a meta tag within the html of each page. This is usually a "generator" tag like <meta name="generator" content="What CMS" /> but could also be "application-name", "Powered-By" or anyting else the CMS creators decide to use.

Dedicated Content Management System Detection